Trinity Lutheran Church

In-Person Worship Guidelines

Starting June 14th and continuing into July 2020


It is strongly recommended that those who are higher-risk of severe illness from COVID-19 (65 years and older, chronic lung disease, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised, severe obesity, diabetes, liver disease, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, etc.) should stay at home and continue watching the worship service online or televised.

Capacity Limits:

  • Indoors: 50% capacity or up to 50 people in primary worship space, whichever is fewer.
    • With Social distancing this means 22 family groups in the pews (32 with overflow)
    • A similar number of family groups can also sit in the Fellowship Hall, this increases total participation to 100.
  • Secondary rooms can be used for up to ten people per room.
  • Outdoors: family groups must be spaced at least 6 feet apart


  • Masks must be worn at all times (indoors and outdoors)
    • Children 2 and under, those with trouble breathing, or those unable to remove a mask without assistance should NOT wear a mask.
  • We have extra masks on hand for visitors & others who do not have their own.
  • Pastor, the Elder of the Day, and/or the Reader will NOT wear a mask while performing public speaking, but will wear a mask at all other times.

Social Distancing:

  • Stairs will be for exit only, and the ramp will be for entry (with 6’ tape marks)
  • At top of ramp…
    • You will be given hand sanitizer & a mask (if not already wearing one)
    • Your temperature will be taken and you will be asked about your current health.
      • You will be asked to return home and join us online if…
        • your temperature is 100.4 or above
        • or if you answer yes to any of the following…
          • Fever or chills; Cough; Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Fatigue; Muscle or body aches; Headache; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat; Congestion or runny nose; Nausea or vomiting; Diarrhea
    • You will be given a printed bulletin and ushered to your seat
  • Designated seating has been arranged to allow for 6’ social distancing for each family group. There will be an empty pew between each family and everyone should be seated on the side of the pew nearest the exterior wall of the Sanctuary.
  • Only one person will be allowed in a restroom at a time (except for small kids or people needing assistance)
  • Offering plates will be placed in the Narthex so the congregation can put their offering in the plate as they enter or exit the building.

The Lord’s Supper

  • Will be offered on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays
  • Family groups will be ushered to the communion rail based upon their size.
  • The family groups will remain standing by the communion rail (don’t touch the rail or cushion).
  • Masks will be worn as you approach and exit the rail and as the Elder and Pastor are distributing the elements. Additionally, Pastor and the Elder will wear gloves.
  • After you are given the elements, you will hold onto the bread and the wine until everyone has been served. Then you can lower your mask and Pastor will announce from behind the altar “take and eat/drink.” You may partake of the Lord’s Supper at this time.
  • After you have finished you will put your masks back on and exit back to your seats, dropping the communion cup into the basket on either side like normal.

Video Recording

  • We will livestream the worship service online and on TV channel 22.7 (the recording will also continue to be available at
  • Please let Pastor know if you can help by being a videographer for worship services.

Sunday Bible Study

  • Adult Bible Study will continue to meet online during the month of June and return to in-person Bible study in July.
  • Children’s Church will not meet for the foreseeable future, but eventually Children’s sermons will be done in a safe way on non-communion Sundays.


  • The Water fountain will be blocked off. Please bring a personal water bottle if you would like to.
  • The additional steps we are taking will require additional help at times. Please contact Pastor or Mark Johnson if you would like volunteer.