Shortly after I posted my previous update detailing the "Stay at Home" orders, the State of Colorado modified the language a little bit, so that I am able to use the church building again as a "Critical Service." Here is the updated wording...

"In-person pastoral services for individuals who are in crisis or in need of end of life services provided social distancing is observed to the greatest extent possible. Houses of worship may remain open, however, these institutions are encouraged to implement electronic platforms to conduct services whenever possible or to conduct smaller (10 or fewer congregants), more frequent services to allow strict compliance with Social Distancing Requirements."

Which means I will be able to continue filming the Online Worship services from the Church Sanctuary like I've been doing. In-person worship services are still suspended, but the Online Worship services will continue like we've done the past week. 

God be with us as we walk through these unique times.

Pastor Scheele